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Diet & Fitness

Get diet and fitness tips and inspiration to live your healthiest life.

Is 75 Hard a good way to get fit? Experts weigh in on the intense program

If you don't follow the six rules of the 75 Hard challenge every single day, you must start over at day one.
Illustration of woman lifting weights with a calendar behind her
Illustration of woman lifting weights with a calendar behind her

What is Veganuary? How to start eating a plant-based diet in January

The January challenge asks people to go vegan for a month.
A woman holds a healthy vegan burger.
A woman holds a healthy vegan burger.

People claim the carnivore diet helps with weight loss. But is it healthy?

Anecdotal benefits of the high-protein, no-carb diet include losing weight and managing diabetes. But experts say the scientific evidence is lacking.
A closeup of eggs, bacon, ham, and sausage on top of toast
A closeup of eggs, bacon, ham, and sausage on top of toast

We want to share your Start TODAY walking photos on the show!

Send us your workout snaps — and tell us about your how walking is changing your life beyond the scale!

This nut is a protein-rich snack that boosts heart, gut and skin health

Almonds benefit our heart, gut and skin health — and they offer the most protein fiber and vitamin E of any tree nut.
Woman Eating Almonds
Woman Eating Almonds

Easy, healthy meal ideas for the week ahead: Korean BBQ cauliflower, sheet-pan chicken and more

This plant-forward menu gets creative with fresh produce to pack in nutrients without giving up meat.
A vegetarian dinner all in one sheet pan is an easy way to commit to Meatless Monday.
A vegetarian dinner all in one sheet pan is an easy way to commit to Meatless Monday.

Cancer and grief triggered 1 woman’s weight gain. These simple changes helped her lose 131 pounds

Making her mental health a priority allowed Joan Henning to focus on her physical health. Today, she’s cancer-free and stronger than she’s been in years.
Joan Henning
Joan Henning

Is a 1,200-calorie diet a healthy way to lose weight?

This low-calorie meal plan may help you lose weight, but it may also be tough to get all your daily nutrients — and sustain weight loss over the long term.
Liver Detox Diet Food
Liver Detox Diet Food

31 easy vegan recipes that the whole family will enjoy for Veganuary

Vegan recipes from Samah Dada, Chloe Coscarelli, Joanne Molinaro and more make ditching animal products a cinch.

I’m working out and not losing weight. Am I doing something wrong?

16 reasons why you may not be seeing the pounds melt off as quickly as you'd like.
Man checking himself in bathroom mirror and touching tummy
Man checking himself in bathroom mirror and touching tummy

Tone your calves with these 18 simple exercises

The calf muscle is a vital, but often overlooked, part of the leg. These simple movements will help you strengthen the calves at home.
Close up of calves while stretching.
Close up of calves while stretching.